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An Introduction to Discourse Analysis - Journal Article Review [8]

Title                            : Vagueness in Implicature: The Case of Modified Adjectives

Researchers                : Timothy Leffel
                                      Alexandre Cremers
                                      Nicole Gotzner
                                      Jacopo Romoli

Year of Publication   : 2019

Source                        : Journal of Semantics, 00, Pages 1 – 32

Objectives          : To investigate tall and late, which for current purposes we took to be representative of the classes of relative standard gradable adjectives and minimum standard absolute gradable adjectives, respectively.

Method                       : The method to investigate tall and late is asking the participants to indicate whether they agreed or disagreed with Mary by adjusting a slider whose position was encoded as a value ranging from 0% to 100%, where 100% is interpreted as complete agreement/acceptance, 0% as complete disagreement.
The method to analyze the responses for not very Adj and not Adj statistically, the researcher used a nonparametric cluster permutation test to identify significant differences in agreement-% along the scales. Direct comparison at each scale point would run into serious multiple comparisons problems, while applying a Bonferroni correction would be too conservative since responses to adjacent scale points tend to be highly correlated. The researcher, therefore, adopted a more sophisticated method traditionally used in eye-tracking and EEG studies, treating the curves along our scales as a “signal.”

Results             : The results from the curves associated with tall and late can be seen as visualizations of scale structure: acceptance of the predicate tall follows an approximately sigmoidal shape, increasing as height increases for nearly the entire interval of heights. This reflects uncertainty about the exact value of the tallness threshold. For late, acceptance remains relatively constant and close to zero prior to 9am, and then shows a rapid increase as time moves beyond 9am, eventually leveling off near 100% acceptance. This reflects the virtual certainty that the threshold for lateness is located at 9am.  
The results from the analysis conducted yielded two significant clusters for “late”: from 21min early to exactly 9:00am, not very late was significantly degraded compared to not late (mean agree 59% (sd = 32) versus 89% (16), respectively); and from 2min late to 36min late, we observed the opposite (46% (34) versus 20% (23)). Both clusters were larger than anything obtained from the 10,000 random permutations; hence p < .0001. For “tall,” acceptability of the constructions not very tall and not tall coincided in most intervals. But the analysis revealed a small significant cluster ranging from 6ft 2in (188cm) to 6ft 5in (196cm), during which not very tall was more acceptable than not tall (16% (20) versus 10% (13)), with p = .0003.

Comments          : This research consists of experiment one and experiment two. The one I mentioned is the experiment one because the following experiment studied a similarly case of experiment one but it uses post-hoc analysis. I think this research has incredible report of those two experiments have done before. However, for me, the researcher can provide the whole conclusion from two experiments to help readers getting the point of the whole part of this journal article.


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