Title : Conversational
Implicature of Indonesian Students in Daily Communication
Researcher :
Annisa Martini
Year of Publication : 2018
Source : Indonesian EFL
Journal, Volume 4(1), Pages 93-100
Objectives : To analyze the types of conversational implicature made by
Indonesian students in their daily conversation and the functions constructed
by Indonesian students in their conversational implicature.
Method : The method used in this
research is qualitative research involved 16 English department students to be
the participants. The research concerns in natural context such as when the
students use their language in their daily conversation. The data were
collected through observation and recording.
Results : From six recordings, the researcher found 80 utterances belonging
to the two types of conversational implicature, namely generalized
conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. The
results show 32 data or 40% belonging to generalized conversational implicature
and 48 data or 60% belonging to particularized conversational implicature. The
research revealed three functions of conversation, there are violation of
Grice’s cooperative principle, power and solidarity, and joking indirect
expression. The function itself can be influenced by the situation in
communication. So, the conversational implicature can be occurred in a
conversation especially in natural context. Therefore, there has no principle
to use the language widely, because as many as people use the language appropriate
with their needs.
Comments : For me, this journal has a
well-written structure that makes readers will understand the report of the
research easily. Moreover, the language used are also appropriate for the
research context. In addition, the results of this research can help readers to
understand more about conversational implicature. The one that I noticed is
this journal prefer using left alignment to using justified text. The use of
left alignment is commonly used for body text to make it easier to read.
Nevertheless, I think this journal will be neater if it uses justified text.
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