Title : Against the Standards: Analyzing Expectations and Discourse of Educators regarding Students with Disabilities in a Kindergarten Classroom
Researcher : Fernanda T. Orsati
Year of Publication : 2014
Source : Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Education Research International
Volume 2014, Article ID 325430, 10 pages
Summary :
The present study critically examines the informal labeling of students with disabilities based on their behaviors which they do not comply with school rules, especially the rules established for social environments and relationships in the classroom in a kindergarten classroom and its consequences for their education.
The construction of early learning and young children’s capabilities has been significantly influenced by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in defining the “right time” for reading and pressuring “schools to prepare children for testing because by beginning the first-grade reading curriculum in kindergarten, schools have effectively gained an extra year of instruction”. Educators are inserted into these discourses and, at the same time, continue to juggle school pressures, theories, students’ needs, curriculum, adaptations for students with disabilities, and a variety of other factors that influence their everyday practices and the educator-student relationship.
Moreover, inclusive and diverse environments have been more prevalent and encouraged in early education. It is important, then, that teachers are prepared to meet the needs of students with disabilities. The current understanding of disability by special education professionals determines the practices in the classroom and as a consequence the education of the children labeled as having a disability.
Disability studies unpack oppression by providing perspectives on issues and problems in education and society as defined by individuals with disabilities themselves. From a disability studies framework scholars attend closely to understandings of behavior and behavior problems in special education.
The analytical framework of this paper is critical discourse analysis (CDA). A basic principle of CDA is that language generates discursive practices and is centrally involved in power and struggles for power. CDA allowed the understanding of how discursive practices in everyday life create social and cultural reproduction but also how these practices allow for change to take place. The discourse embedded in texts and language generates routine processes of social life and knowledge, including classroom practices.
In addition, there is a focus on the results, and, as a consequence, the need to “control behaviors” to be able to fulfill all those demands. Educators employed creative and flexible practices centered on the students’ needs.
For instance, in this resource-rich environment students and TAs were expected to follow a routine that was established by the teacher. From arriving and putting their backpacks away to lunch time, the morning students’ routine included morning work, time on the rug for calendar and for sharing books/stories, activity time at the tables, free playtime, another activity at the tables, and story time back on the rug.
Ms. Elmwood planned different modes of instruction throughout the day to reach all students’ abilities and preferences. She used songs, videos, drawing, reading books, storytelling, art, and movement, among others. All these activities
were structured; the teacher seemed to have a learning goal for each activity, a vision of how they should proceed, and a time frame for it to be over. The adults expressed academic and behavioral standards by comparing students’ performance to the expected norm, as well as through comparisons between students. Adults’ expectations were usually determined within classroom structures but usually influenced by larger educational standards, such as readiness behaviors and performances required at kindergarten exit, accountability, special education laws, and teacher training and preparation in behavior management.
The discursive practices used in the classroom have a cyclical influence on how adults talk about students and respond to them and how students behave and perform in the classroom. Based on perceived characteristics and standards of behaviors students were labeled and supported based on such label. Adults in schools need to be careful with this subjective and informal labeling process. The data shows that students who receive caring and encouraging support in the classroom are empowered and inclined to show engagement and on task behaviors. Therefore, teachers and TAs need to continue to see strengths and hold high expectations for all students.
Comment :
This is also an interesting study in educational context related to the discourse analysis. This study conducted to help educators arranging learning materials and processes to teach disabilities students which have different needs and wants in their learning process.
The sequences of this journal are well-structured. Then, it abridges the readers to understand the substances of this journal.
Finally, it is better to have more deep explanations to support the results and discussions of this study.
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